<VV> Should I be spoiled??
Fri, 5 Mar 2004 21:19:35 EST
In a message dated 3/5/2004 6:12:23 PM Pacific Standard Time, AeroNed@aol.com
As far as the headlight law, Am I going to be subjected to legal harassment
in CA since I cut the springs in the front of my '66?
Don't know about now ask Seth. But back in the late 60's they even checked
ground clearance at their road site checks. Or if you got stopped and the
Officer Donut thought you were to low. They had blocks in the trunk that they made
drive over and if your car even touched then ticket time. Was a B----- in a
Sunbeam Tiger, the track bars in back only had a 2' clearance it seamed they hit
everything. As for the head lights will air up the tires in the 65 and pull
the 66 in the shop and check the heights.
68 Datsun roadster
7 Corvairs
68 Ultra Van
61 econoline PU
87 Shelby GLHS