<VV> Re:trailering a corvair

UltraMonzaWest@aol.com UltraMonzaWest@aol.com
Wed, 3 Mar 2004 11:39:17 EST

vairmike@sbcglobal.net writes:
DO NOT tie to the tie rods in the front!! Use the lower control arms. I 
actually normally tie the tires down with extra safety ties hooked to 
the lower shock bolt but my suggestion for you would be to hook your 
strap (make sure they are plenty strong) to the arm outboard of the 
shock. I would suggest 2" web straps rated at 20,000 lb.. for the tiedowns

Why not?   Cars are 2500lb.....800 on the front...........rest of car is 
sprung....I use MC  tiedowns....rated 750.
