<VV> addressing messages
Tue, 2 Mar 2004 21:51:06 +0000
I messed up today and sent 2 messages to VV instead of VV-talk. I thought it was my work E mail program, and it was, but I was also to blame.....
You see, our Chairman has a fetish about replying to the list, and then copying the person who originally sent the post. He says this is not necessary.
Since I am on non-digest, when I get a message from say, Patio Matt---I see HIS address. If I want to reply, His Chairmanness says I should hit reply, then erase patiomatt@aol.com, and put in the name of the list I am replying to.......Well I put in the name of the wrong list.
When I reply to a message sent to VV talk, or VV, I will be sending a reply to the list, and to the person who sent it.
CYA being the best policy.
If the Chair has a problem with this,
He knows where
he knows how many times
and he knows how.....