<VV> trailering a corvair help

Sadek Charles H DLVA SadekCH@NSWC.NAVY.MIL
Tue, 2 Mar 2004 09:29:08 -0500

	Some more advice.  Put the car on forward, since it is a convertible
if you can get the center of gravity just far forward enough to get some
tongue weight.  With a big truck it isn't as critical - just try and get the
trailer nose down maybe an inch or so front to rear.  If necessary, you can
add some of the 1000lb of the parts weight-fastened securely or put in the
trunk of the towed car.  I have found that when towing my 24ft Haulmark box
trailer, the most stable position is about an inch lower at the front edge
of the box than at the rear.  And the hitch load doesn't raise the front of
the previous 3/4 T Chev I had.  With Big Momma, I could put the car in the
truck bed and it wouldn't hurt anything!  :>)

Chuck S
GT3 89 
Big Momma-1T Diesel Dually

-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Forman [mailto:Larry@Forman.net] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 12:07 AM
To: turbobraf; virtualvairs@corvair.org
Subject: Re: <VV> trailering a corvair help

At 08:48 PM 3/1/2004 -0600, turbobraf wrote:
>i will be trailering my restored 63 spyder convertable from arizona to
>oklahoma in a few weeks, i have never trailered a vehicle before, i will be
>using a friends 3/4 ton diesel along with his trailer, i will also have
>1,000 lbs of spare parts in the bed of the truck.
>any thoughts from someone that has trailered before that i should know

Hi Bill,
There were several good posts on trailering guidelines on 
www.corvaircenter.com  and the forum section.  Check it out.  While the 
question there was trailering with a Corvair, the guidelines still apply 
regardless of the tow vehicle.  Certainly towing with a 3/4 ton vehicle 
provides better stability and safety.  The longer the tow vehicle's wheel 
base, the better.  Provide TONS of space to brake when towing.  I don't 
even think of tailgating.  Nothing provides more safety in towing than 
keeping your speeds down and distance in front of you up, provided your 
tongue weight is right.
-- Larry
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