<VV> trailering a corvair help
Larry Forman
Mon, 01 Mar 2004 21:07:28 -0800
At 08:48 PM 3/1/2004 -0600, turbobraf wrote:
>i will be trailering my restored 63 spyder convertable from arizona to
>oklahoma in a few weeks, i have never trailered a vehicle before, i will be
>using a friends 3/4 ton diesel along with his trailer, i will also have about
>1,000 lbs of spare parts in the bed of the truck.
>any thoughts from someone that has trailered before that i should know about?
Hi Bill,
There were several good posts on trailering guidelines on
www.corvaircenter.com and the forum section. Check it out. While the
question there was trailering with a Corvair, the guidelines still apply
regardless of the tow vehicle. Certainly towing with a 3/4 ton vehicle
provides better stability and safety. The longer the tow vehicle's wheel
base, the better. Provide TONS of space to brake when towing. I don't
even think of tailgating. Nothing provides more safety in towing than
keeping your speeds down and distance in front of you up, provided your
tongue weight is right.
-- Larry