<VV> Top Cover Bolt Finally Removed
Jim McLott
Mon, 01 Mar 2004 10:23:02 -0500
Many thanks to all the VV'ers who offered advice and moral support when I snapped off one of the top cover bolts last November. A special thanks to Keith Hammett, who recommended the use of a Dremel diamond bit, part number 7134. I drilled a small hole through the bolt, next to the bolt extractor that had snapped off in the bolt. I was then able to use the Dremel bit to slowly grind away the hardened steel extractor and the rest of the broken bolt. The bolt hole in the block lost its threads in the process, but a Helicoil fixed it right up.
Now that I'm ready to put the top cover back on the engine, should I apply some sort of sealant or whatever to the two gaskets that go above and below the crankcase vent baffle plate? The shop manual doesn't mention anything, and I vaguely recall something in the Tech Guide about using petroleum jelly, but I'd like to know what VV suggests.
Again, thanks for all the advice,
Jim McLott & Christine, the 1966 Monza convertible she-devil
Member: CORSA, Corvair Atlanta & Group Red