<VV> Re: 2004 Performance Workshop
Rick & Janet Norris
Sun, 29 Feb 2004 19:06:58 -0500
I returned this morning from Dayton and this weekend's Performance Workshop
at "Funky's Garage" as I call it or more properly, Gary Funkhouser's Vintage
It was a great time with lots of Corvair talk from all the usual suspects
and well known Corvair experts.
The turn out was well beyond the conservative guesses with people coming
from all corners of the country and one from Canada!
There were Hi-Po parts to check out and purchase if so desired and lots of
advice and "How To's" for our favorite car.
The was good food to be had and lots of "male bonding" if you will. I shot
five rolls of film so we will have photographic evidence.
There will be a full report later.
I want to thank Gary Funkhouser for the use of his facility and the
hospitality and thanks also to Dan Giannotti for organizing the event.
Rick Norris
First President CORSA 1971
Email rickjanet@charter.net
Web Page http://webpages.charter.net/corvairalley