<VV> Weekend trip in 64 convertible
Tue, 29 Jun 2004 21:47:51 EDT
I visited my mother in southwest Va. over the weekend, and drove my beautiful
Gold convertible. I started out in gordonsville went south on 15 to
interstate 64 west to staunton then 81 south to wytheville to 70 north to bluefield
then 19 to Honaker, where mom lives. drove most of way between 70mph and 80mph,
car drove flawless,but was sometime hectic when surrounded by big trucks. Trip
was 330 mi. got 27 mi per gal. Comming back to Gordonsville drove to beckly
Wva took 64 east much better than 81 almost no big trucks and a lot less traffic
and just 10 miles more than 81.
After the trip next day started 64 up and had a lot of lifter noise had not
had this for a long time, anyone have a reasonable explanation why this
happened, I think it is just one of those weired corvair things,.By the way mom is
in her 80s and doing great.
Corvair Driver