<VV> Signal to Noise Ratio
Tue, 29 Jun 2004 16:52:13 -0400
This subject has been on VV at least once previously. My own opinion is
that I hate it. The Pennock's Fiero Forum is set up in a similar way,
and I never use it BECAUSE it's catagorized. For me, it's a bitch to
use. With the current VV format, all I have to use to eliminate subjects
that don't interest me is the delete key. Simplicity itself. What's
wrong with that?
As far as spam on VV, what spam?
My own preference is to remain with the status quo. You asked for my
opinion and I delivered....
Dave Keillor wrote:
> Instead of an email list, I propose moving into the 21st century with a
> CORSA sanctioned forum. An example of a very nice forum is the one I
> frequent for Nova-related information (in addition to my Corvairs I also
> have a '73 Nova): http://stevesnovasite.com/forums/
> If you visit this forum, you can see the advantages to this approach which
> include:
> -- Organization. The information is contained in easy to access
> categories.
> -- Efficiency. You don't have to follow the categories in which you have
> no interest (e.g., drag racing). When I came back from my weeks absence, I
> could quickly get caught up on my Nova areas of interest because I could
> bypass the BS posts.
> -- Persistance. Information in old threads can be obtained via the search
> capability.
> -- Information management. I try to save VV emails in which I might have
> need for later, but that's a terrible way to manage information in the 21st
> century.
> -- SPAM. One of the best sources from which to harvest names for SPAM
> lists are mailing lists like VV. With forum software, personal emails can
> be suppressed and members can communicate via Private Messages.
> Whatca think? Anyone ready to move up the technology foodchain? Might even
> get some of the valuable ex-VV people to come back!
> Dave Keillor