<VV> Virtual Vairs

VairMech@aol.com VairMech@aol.com
Tue, 29 Jun 2004 08:00:37 EDT

Well People,
    I find myself in the same predicament as a lot of  other service 
facilities.  Not enough Time. Due to this problem I need to  unsubscribe from V V. I 
can be reached privately through my email or Fastvairs,  or Corvanatics.
    As a side note over 50% of V V is of the "ME TO" or  humor catagory that 
clutters V V.
    If someone finds a wierd answer on V V and you  think it needs 
clarifacation send it to me and I will post the reply to V  V.
    Thanks and Regards,  

Handy Car  Care
Ken Hand
97 Peach
Pontiac, MI., 48342
65  Corvair #42 E-Prod
_WWW.CORVAIRMECHANIC.COM_ (http://www.corvairmechanic.com/)