<VV> [Fwd: Vair Disc]

kaczmarek@charter.net kaczmarek@charter.net
Mon, 28 Jun 2004 13:45:22 +0000


This is a message I recieved from a guy on the Riviera list, who is writing a book on Riviera repair similar to our Corvair Basics Manual.

He wanted to see how we set up the TOC and how the issues were handled in each chapter. No fear of copying us, as we all know there are NO similarities between Corvairs and Rivieras.

He got a copy of the CD version from me, via the CORSA office.

Thanks to Harry and Mike for that---

And Thanks to all of you who made that book possible. We should all be proud of it. 

> From: IZODFARM1@aol.com
> Date: 2004/06/28 Mon PM 12:46:14 GMT
> To: kaczmarek@charter.net
> Subject: Vair Disc
> Hi Hank,
> Been busy. Letting you know your CD is wonderful. Lotsa good 
> ideas..........Thanks 
> very much!!!!!!!
> Chris