<VV> Jacking up car and jack stands
christopher d czepyha
Sun, 27 Jun 2004 21:03:06 -0400
If I am working under the car, I jack it up and slide my ramps under it.
Very little chance of the car oopsing off 4 ramps.
On Sun, 27 Jun 2004 20:20:49 EDT EUGENE1938@aol.com writes:
> In a message dated 6/27/04 10:03:33 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> emills5@cfl.rr.com writes:
> I use
> a different approach on the front. I jack the front of the car up
> with the
> jack under the front cross member and place each jack stand into the
> pivot
> point of the lower control arm on each side. I find this to be very
> stable,
> and the top of the jack stands fit into the pivot point openings
> perfectly
> with no chance to slip off. I feel a lot safer using this method
> than under
> the side of the car. It also seems to give me better access to the
> under side
> of the car. Anyone know why this might not be an acceptable
> method?
> Cecil,
> The designers at GM put jack pads on the underside of the car for a
> reason.
> I'd recommend using them. The car is very stable this way and you
> can work on
> any part of the car including the front suspension.
> Ed Corson (CORSA member)
> IECC - Riverside, CA
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