<VV> Cruise control
Rick & Janet Norris
Thu, 24 Jun 2004 16:55:25 -0400
Hey, If you have one of the low horsepower Vairs just use the Pinto cruise
control. It's more commonly known as a brick!
> In a message dated 6/24/2004 10:05:33 AM US Eastern Standard Time,
> PVanderl@mwestmp.com writes:
> I was wondering if anyone out there has put cruise control on their 'Vair
> that can give me insights on what type they used or what it was off of? I
> want to put cruise on my 65.
> Pat - - -I have a Cruise control on my 65 which was installed by Larry
> Claypool. It was made by the Dana Corp and sold by Sears. I don't think
they are
> available anymore but Larry could tell you that. If you are near me in
> northern Indiana or where we could connect at a Corvair event, I would be
glad to
> show you what I have. I can give you the Model number if you want to
look at
> swap meets for one. Mine works through magnets on the drive shaft. Many
> electronics which can pose a problem for the Corvair. I wore a sign
around my
> neck at the Hoosier Auto Show Swap Meet several years ago saying, Wanted,
> Cruise control, with the model and brand name and several people walked up
to me
> with offers. I now have a spare which is not complete anymore because I
> used parts from it. Hope this helps - - -Dick Shank