<VV> RE: Doug Mac and Smitty
Sadek Charles H DLVA
Thu, 24 Jun 2004 08:08:31 -0400
Ah, doan pay him no mind.....
Chuck S
-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Mackintosh [mailto:dougmackintosh@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2004 8:07 PM
To: virtualvairs@corvair.org
Subject: Re: <VV> RE: Doug Mac and Smitty
My goodness! This is almost as contentious as talking about valve
Disclaimer: I did not adjust Chuck's valves at VIR. But if I had I would
have used the [characterization deleted] method!
Chuckster said:
<<To: Sadek Charles H DLVA <SadekCH@NSWC.NAVY.MIL>
From: "Louis C. Armer, Jr." <carmerjr@mindspring.com>
Subject: Re: <VV> RE: Doug Mac and Smitty
Cc: virtualvairs@corvair.org
I love it !!! Dissension in the ranks of BBRT..............<GGG>
Mr. Mackintosh, we have room for another mechanic at WTBRT.
C'mon over and REST.!!! <GGG>
-- Doug Mackintosh
Corsa member since 1996
Corsa/NC member since 1996, Virtual Vairs member
Corvair owner 1969-1971 and 1996-on
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