<VV> scam-no corvair
Louis C. Armer, Jr.
Mon, 21 Jun 2004 18:08:49 -0400
For absolutely belly laughs about scamming the scammers.
Brad Christensen has taken getting even to an art form.
"Romancing the Pickle" is a great one.
Chuck Armer
At 09:30 PM 6/18/04 -0500, you wrote:
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Spencer Shepard" <sshepard3@hotmail.com>
> > A friend is selling a nice '65 Galaxie convertible and I think he is being
> > up for a scam. He has a "buyer" in England who wants to send him a
> > check for more money than the price of the car and shipping and have him
> > some money back.> Spence Shepard
>Yes, it's a scam, and a pretty common one. Another member of this very
>group may add some words, and also here in Iowa a farmer got stuck with this
>scheme, this time involving a very very expensive piece of farm machinery.
>I guess if your friend contacted the "authorities" perhaps he could help nab
>the crooks; but don't let him put *any* money into any plan.
>If his rig is in decent shape, I think it is worth a good dime here in the
>states ... those were the good old days, and Ford was making good cars back
>Hope this helps; ken campbell, iowuh
Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman