<VV> Re: Eng noise, car scam, u-joint
Fri, 18 Jun 2004 23:44:50 EDT
Engine noise. If an std rod brg was installed where a o/s belonged, I'm
pretttty sure you'dd hear right away. Especially with that cylinder having new,
tight rings while the other 5 had less drag. I also think if it was a valve
seat, you'd still hear it clanging with the plug wire pulled. The piston may have
a collapsed skirt. Once the engine got warm, the piston would clank pretty
loudly. And it would get quite with no spark.
I believe when something drastic happnens to a Corvair engine, it's a clue.
The engine is ready to be totally rebuilt. Everytime I've tried to bandaid an
engine by fixing only one thing like one bad piston, one bad rod brg, etc,
things kept breaking until I gave up and did an overhaul. Like now.
Car scam - most definitely. Check any web internet scam site. It's been
reported in several magazines, too. I get one of those about once a month. I
forward them to the FBI.
U-joint. There are at several different variations of the LM u-joints. One is
the skinny stock type, one has a thicker web with a grease fitting, another
is the thicker web w/o grease fitting that's supposedly stronger, and then
there are the really heavy duty pieces. I use the HD w/o grease fitting. About
$15/each at a FLAPS (just learned that one last week from here). I think the EMs
are the same.
Bob Thomas