<VV> convention report - Dennis
Dennis & Debbie Pleau
Thu, 17 Jun 2004 22:08:18 -0600
Went out to the start of the rally and took pictures of the cars which are
in competition which were not in the CD or concoures. Then worked my shift
as a CORSA director at the CORSA merchandise booth. I attended two tech
sessions,the one with Mr Davis and the other with the guy who wrote article
for the Wall Street Journal about the first convention, along with lclc and
TLH. The usual meeting were tonight; CORSA officers, CPF and the CORSA
General meeting. A new meeting followed, the newsletter editor meeting. We
met last year early in the morning in the hospitality sweet, this year we
asked for a scheduled meeting time, but we didn't appoint any one to
facilitate the meeting. Christy Barden jumped in and ran the meeting. We
had a lot of really good discussion and it was a good meeting.
As the people putting on the slide show at the banquet we got our first
results today and started putting together the slide shows. Debbie did
most of the work on the show which will run during dinner. I started
putting together the Concoures winners show. We're going to shoot the
autox tomorrow which is the hardest event to keep track of because many
people seat jump.
more tomorrow,