<VV> 90 Degree Oil Filter Mount
Eric S. Eberhard
Tue, 15 Jun 2004 18:55:42 -0700
I use two plastic shopping bags inside each other (2 for extra security)
and open them up under the filter. Take it off and let it spill into the
bag. Drop the filter into the bag. Pick it up, tie it off at the top, and
dispose (you could put in garbage, we take to a recycler).
At 09:31 PM 6/14/2004, * Greenbrier Goon * wrote:
>Hey everybody:
>Just curious. When you use a 90 degree oil filter adapter, how do you
>change the filter?
>If you just loosen up the filter, doesn't oil spill out onto the
>engine? Do you remove the adapter and then remove the filter from it to
>avoid spills?
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Eric S. Eberhard
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