<VV> YS in news

Mike Kost vairmike@sbcglobal.net
Mon, 14 Jun 2004 08:46:42 -0500

Keith Hammett wrote:

>Keith Hammett
>Springfield Missouri
>PS will hit the road this afternoon for Lexington.  Will be driving a green
>Windstar with a white wooden box on the back, hope to see some travelers on
>the way to Lexington going up I-44 to St. Louis and then I-64 into
I plan on leaving this evening from St. Louis (hopefully not too late) 
across I-64 with a stop in the Louisville area before rolling into 
Lexington Tuesday afternoon. Maroon `68 Coupe on trailer (ANHDRS). 
Cheapest regular gas I saw in St. Louis this morning $1.690.

Mike Kost
Show-Me Corvair Club