<VV> Bobby in the Middle (was: awards, Concours)

kaczmarek@charter.net kaczmarek@charter.net
Fri, 11 Jun 2004 18:23:35 +0000

HI Bob and all,

This disclaimer is to notify you that this is not an ANTI-BANQUET STATEMENT....

> From: Robert Marlow <nortechcorp@optonline.net>
> Subject: <VV> Bobby in the Middle (was: awards, Concours)

> In the new wrinkle on the subject of Concours, gold-silver-bronze vs
> first-second-third, I have found myself as banquet emcee caught in the
> middle, so to speak.
> The next time I emceed ('03 Carlisle), the Concours committee co-chairs
> politely but firmly told me that they, not I, would handle the awards
> presentations.  They did a thorough and accurate job, but it took 17 hours
> or so.  

AGAIN, I renew my suggestion to have SEPERATE awards presentations OUTSIDE of the Banquet. Names could be mentioned,people who insanely busted their butts in Concours or did good in other events could have their names mentioned, rise at their seats for the necessary accolades to support their egos, and the program could continue, with ONLY the Cole award participants coming up to get an award and make a remark or two. 

Could probably contain the banquet to about 2 hours or so.

In the words of a famous author

"The Human mind, and the Human ass can only handle about 2 hours of foolishness in one sitting". 

Truer words have been spoken, but not often <G>

Have a Saturday AM awards ceremony, where those who competed and those who didn't and actually give a crap can attend and have a love-in.

Regards  HANK