wfcc@juno.com wfcc@juno.com
Wed, 9 Jun 2004 22:00:23 -0500

 How about throwing on a couple of sets each of 110 and 140 U-pipes and
gaskets for each. need 'em for our club store.

                                                   Thanks, Ed Lindsay

On Wed, 09 Jun 2004 11:54:08 -0700 corvairs
<lonwall@corvairunderground.com> writes:
> We're going to start loaded the truck tomorrow in anticipation for 
> the 
> Lexington trip - We've received many orders to bring but still have 
> a 
> little room for more.  What we're running out of is time soooooo - 
> check 
> out our website for the details!  See you in Kentuckle! Lon

West Florida Corvair Club