<VV> What Is Pot Metal Made Of?
Sally Johnson
Sat, 5 Jun 2004 09:18:36 -0600 (MDT)
pot metal is a tin based alloy with lead, copper and nickle added as the
alloying ingredients. the alloying ingredients change quite abit between
manufactures and it is often not know what they are. most pot metal made
recently contains no lead. older pot metals often contain lots of lead
and will seriously contaminate a small metal shop and make you silver melt
in pits when soldering and cause the surface of the silver to flake off.
On Sat, 5 Jun 2004, N. Joseph Potts wrote:
> I know pot metal isn't steel - it isn't magnetic. It seems too dark and
> heavy to be aluminum, too hard to be lead. Too cheap and corrosion-prone to
> be gold.
> Anybody care to resolve this lifelong mystery for me? Thanks.
> Joe Potts's Pitted Pot Metal
> Miami, Florida USA
> 1966 Corsa coupe 140hp 4-speed with A/C
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~~Sally Johnson~~~<}}><~~~~www.unm.edu/~sbuna~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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