<VV> Re: Battery Tender Problems
Harry Yarnell
Harry Yarnell" <hyarnell1@earthlink.net
Thu, 3 Jun 2004 10:46:21 -0400
Most battery chargers have a diode (or two if the transformer's
centertapped), but as Dave suggested, a bridge (four diodes) will work for a
non-centertapped transformer.
A bridge has four terminals; two go to the transformer, and the other two
are your + and - for the battery. Just make sure the bridge has a decent
current rating, 20 amps or so.
Harry Yarnell
perryman garage and orphanage
perryman, MD
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Marlow" <nortechcorp@optonline.net>
To: <virtualvairs@corvair.org>
Sent: Thursday, June 03, 2004 9:28 AM
Subject: <VV> Re: Battery Tender Problems
> Phil asked:
> Wanted to "poll" the group on experience with the "Battery Tender Plus"
> JR replied:
> Try a doorbell transformer. I think they put out about 2amps.
> Harry added:
> Don't forget the diode.
> Bob now asks:
> And the diode does... what?
> Robert W. Marlow
> nortechcorp@optonline.net
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