<VV> [VV-talk] Companies in other countries????? Check your
Bryan Blackwell
Sat, 31 Jul 2004 15:16:05 -0400
Two points:
1 - This is false, see http://www.snopes.com/politics/kerry/heinz.asp
2 - It came from, and belongs on, VV-Talk.
On Saturday, July 31, 2004, at 02:26 PM, dongerick1@juno.com wrote:
> This was forwarded to me and I thought that I would pass it along.
> Heinz products
>>>> I checked and my bottle of Heinz catsup says "Product of Canada"!
>>>> Guess I'll be checking out all the Heinz products at the store!
>>>> Shortly
>>>> after reading the following e-mail content, I happened to look at
>>>> the
>>>> label of a jar of Heinz sandwich slice pickles.
>>>> Yep...."Made in Mexico."