<VV> trivia
Sat, 31 Jul 2004 10:38:33 -0400
Parts Trivia
Smitty says: In my short sightedness early this week I posted to Bill
that I thought there was only one part that stood the test of time and
stayed exactly the same and was used on all Corvairs from first to last.
Since then a lot of water has flowed and a lot of posts have been made
and the number now stands at 15. I would welcome additions or deletions
from the list but if you offer change, come with your guns loaded.
Please respect the narrow confines of the criteria as stated below.
Parts which were installed on every Corvair built from the first through
the last, including FCs, which stayed exactly the same through the years.
Excluding consumable items such as fan belt, oil filter, gaskets,
hardware (nuts and bolts). In other words, actual car parts. If a
fastner is so special it was designed specifically for the Corvair, it is
Not allowed for instance would be coils because as produced the
Spyder used a special one. Also rocker arms because the 140s used a
different ratio. Even though every stick shift made used the same pilot
bushing, the automatic didn't have one, so- Not allowed.
1. Idler casting (not the pulley)
2. Pushrods
3. Pushrod tubes
4. Oil cooler adapter
5. Stainless ring around sealed beams
6. Cam gear and washer
7. Head studs
8. Distributor driven gear
9. Crank oil slinger
10. Oil pump Gears
11. Differential bearings
12. Torque converters
13. The entire PG with the exception of the 65 valve body change and the
14. Fuel pump lock bolt
15. Oil filter bolt