<VV> Toronado FWD "experiment failed"?(No Corvair)
Marc Sheridan
Fri, 30 Jul 2004 19:45:38 -0400
Seems like I remember a trailer hitch ad (maybe Reese?) that showed a
Toronado pulling a trailer with the back wheels removed from the tow
vehicle. Naturally, being an ad and all, the only things touching the
ground with this combination, were the trailer wheels and the drive
wheels of the Toro.
Anybody else remember this, or was I just recalling a dream I had :o) ?
Marc Sheridan
Sadek Charles H DLVA wrote:
>69 Toro is the best tow car I have ever driven. I flat-towed a 62 FC full
>of Corvair parts from NV to MD in 4 days. Great road car.
>Chuck S