<VV> RE:More Corvair Parts trivia
Geoff Johnson
Fri, 30 Jul 2004 13:32:32 -0600
Well guess I am wrong, I have Bob Ballew's book here and reading through
the 140 part. Guess it was governor. I thought TC had a higher stall
speed though?
--On Friday, July 30, 2004 3:16 PM -0400 Bill Hubbell <whubbell@cox.net>
> Oh? I was not aware that there was a different Torque Converter for the
> 140-PG.
> Do you have part #s for that?
> The only differences between the 140-PG and the 95/110-PG that I am aware
> of are:
> Governor:
> 3878298 = 140-PG
> 6256327 = 95/110-PG
> and
> Valve Body:
> 3870368 = 140-PG
> 3847798 = 95/110-PG