<VV> Replacement part quality
Tony Underwood
Fri, 30 Jul 2004 12:52:18 -0700
At 01:49 hours 07/29/2004 -0500, J R Read_HML wrote:
>I have to agree with you. And, would like to add that Mr. Name Withheld
>obviously did not walk the vendor area at the convention. There were NOS
>parts laying on the ground, waiting for buyers. There were plenty of high
>quality repro parts at the indoor vendors. He just needs to open his eyes.
When I see comments like those from Mr Withheld with no possibility of
rebuttal, I simply go "Hrumph" and go on to the next activity. When I
shoot my mouth off, I at least sign my comments.
And I did indeed see plenty of good stuff at Lexington, brought some of it
back with me. Likewise Carlisle, did especially well there, rounded up
several NOS sheet metal pieces to help cosmetically salvage my '60
4-door. What's more:
There are a lot of repro parts available that *are* good quality pieces
that I have no problems buying. Anyone who complains about parts not
being available make little impact upon the likes of me because I know
better. You just have to pay...