<VV> Replacement part quality / Communique Policy
Eric S. Eberhard
Thu, 29 Jul 2004 17:15:43 -0700
I agree - never should have been printed. Tell the board members.
If I have a problem with Lon (never have) or anyone else, I'll sign my name
to it or keep it to myself.
At 11:40 AM 7/29/2004, Louis C. Armer, Jr. wrote:
>Hey Lon, I agree with your thoughts 100%. I feel that OUR Communique
>should not
>allow unsigned "editorials". This practice should simply not be allowed in
>our International
>publication. We don't allow Board members to voice unsigned opinions nor
>do we allow
>unsigned or unidentifyable posts on VV. On this matter I am speaking as
>an individual
>AND as an appointed CORSA Membership Chairman as well as a Corvair Atlanta
>past President
>and current Board Member.
>Chuck Armer
>Corvair Atlanta, BOD
>CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman
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Eric S. Eberhard
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