<VV> Wet Dream engine
Thu, 29 Jul 2004 01:05:25 EDT
There has been a lot of discussion about the heat problems of the Corvair
Motor. I remember an article in an engineering magazine at least 30 years ago
about a fellow that welded appropriate metal to the Corvair head and changed it
to water cooling. If this were accomplished, the cooling fan air could be used
to cool the cylinders only. Water could be circulated past the heads and
cooled separately. Okay - There are engineering challenges to surmount. If you
started with a pair of 140 heads, and machined them to take Weber Manifolds -
either for webers or FI throttle bodies, then modified the exhaust tubes to
present a flat face which could be sealed against water. Other outstanding issues
would be the stud holes through the head. Just brainstorming here. Any thoughts
or impressions? - If you want to get really strange, the Big Block Chevy has
the same bore to bore centerline as the Corvair. Hmmm? I wonder . . . .
- Seth Emerson