<VV> Dream engine...If I won the lotto...

John Kepler bigjohnohio@worldnet.att.net
Wed, 28 Jul 2004 20:49:13 -0400

> Okay, if this were part of the options, is there something we could do to
> increase the cooling efficiency (while still maintaining something
> resembling the stcok configuration. I'm not trying to build a Lycoming
> engine here)? I'm thinking increase the fin area or somthing like that.

Has ANYONE ever considered using low-thermal transmission ceramo-metallic
coatings to keep the heat out of the metal in the first place?  You don't
need to disipate heat that never enters the castings.....it increases the
thermodynamic efficiency of the engine as a by-product!  The stuff worked
like gang-busters in our Nissan racing engines, and I'm just about convinced
to try it in a 4-carb I'm building!  remeber fellows, the BEST way to handle
a problem, is to never let it occur!
