<VV> DON'T write to the Times guy (was: Corvairs in the news)

Robert Marlow nortechcorp@optonline.net
Wed, 28 Jul 2004 18:33:49 -0400

At 04:52 PM 7/28/04 -0500, scott morehead wrote:

> Don't forget to send the NYTIMES reporter an email and let him know he
doesn't have the story about the Corvair correct. <

Don't do that!  The author is in fact a knowledgeble car guy, whose
personal opinion is that the Corvair is a lesser car.  He wrote nothing
worse than declaring that the Corvair was not a success.  Hardly a point
over which to be sending corrective messages, further convincing him that
we owners are a bunch of myopic crackpots.


Robert W. Marlow