<VV> Caked on Exhaust Donuts
Louis C. Armer, Jr.
Tue, 27 Jul 2004 23:37:20 -0400
PB blaster and wait a day or wire a soup can around the tube and fill
it enough to cover the end with kerosene or mineral spirits and wait a
Chuck Armer
At 10:32 PM 7/27/04 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi all,
> I am putting some flowmasters on my 63 spyder (140 in
> her) and
>i was replacing the exhaust donuts on the exhaust tubes coming out of the
>cylinder heads. It seems they have never been replaced before. I got all off
>but one. It broke in half while i tried getting it off. So now half of it is
>stuck on the tube. I tried using a chisel and hammer but havent been having
>much luck with it. It is really caked on there. Any ideas, tips, suggestions
>for getting the rest of this donut off. Thanks in advance.
> Nick
> 63 Spyder
> 65 Monza
Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman