<VV> No Group Red (humor?)
J R Read_HML
Tue, 27 Jul 2004 11:46:02 -0500
Sure hope that is not short for Virus!
Attachments are scanned with anti-virus software.
Later, JR
----- Original Message -----
From: "Barry Gershenfeld" <mailist@san.rr.com>
> http://www.kdcomm.net/~barry/red/
> Not that seeing pictures of Corvair work would enlighten anyone on this
> list, but it is a record of the proceedings, and this effort shows how you
> fix a daily driver. You'll note that the parts function even if you don't
> clean them. And it took me years of practice to learn this lesson. Most
> similar projects take 5 weekends if I "just want to clean things up a
> cares. And my web page software is something called "vi".
> Barry