<VV> Made the vacuum tool.
Sat, 24 Jul 2004 22:57:36 EDT
thegeek2@juno.com writes:
> I used a compound gauge, and a T to make the substitute unisync.
> Once its warm, its at about 15. If I squeeze the driver side off it
> drops to 6. If I clamp the passanger side off it goes up to 17.
> This car runs reasonably decent. Had to lower the timing a little, to
> get rid of the pinging. Runs and drives nice once its wamed about a
> minute. Restarts on the first turn of the key.
> A little choppy at a light. Like its running out of balance.
> Does this test let me know anything. Then I can move onto my wifes 63.
> Thanks.
Yes..the carbs are not balanced! Everything should be equal....15" is fine
for a fast idle......
I just got into this.....you are aware that there should be no vacume at
idle...to the VA?? So obviously your right side carb is too far open...
How did you balance with the Unisyn?? You never adjust the knob between
checking both carbs.....that's how you tell the difference....
So, after it's warmed up...disconnect VA line [ do not plug ].take
aircleaners off...chokes verticle [ open]...disconnect linkage at both carbs.....don't
worry it will idle fine....
Make sure the fast idle cams are all the way down and loose to the
touch........now backout the right carbs idle SPEED screw [ not mixture] until the
readings are the same when you pinch one off.........AND no Vacume is present
on the hose to the VA...
Re-connect RIGHT side linkage.....shouldn't cause engine to rev up..... then
adjust the drivers side swivel to "slip" into hole on crossshaft arm...
NOW..check the timing....adjust if you want.....it WILL change idle speed!
SO....to adjust idle speed.......shut engine OFF........adjust BOTH carbs
idle speed screws the SAME amount......then restart and chech.....NEVER ADJUST
Hope this helps.....