<VV> Rear Seal (or Front Seal) Whichever!!!

Martin Colvill Martin Colvill <martincolvill@peoplepc.com>
Sat, 24 Jul 2004 22:09:54 -0400 (EDT)

Hi gang, just got back from being on the road (Oh the life of an OTR driver) and am wading through my VV postings. God I love it!

Anyway, my 1966 Corsa 140hp (aka "Baby") is leaking like a sieve between the engine and the transmission. I read the Corvair leaks book and am wondering what there is to fixing it. How hard is it to replace the rear (front?) seal and what all is involved. Any help/comments/obituaries would be greatly appreciated.

We took "Baby" to her first car show in Issaquah, WA last weekend sponsored by Corvairs Northwest and came home with 3rd place Late Closed class. We've never been a part of a car show before (this was the 7th Annual Discontinued and Orphaned Car show) and were pleasently surprised! Pres. Roland Martin and crew put on a great show. Wasn't all vairs at the show but the majority were and there were some real beauties.

Martin & Sarah Colvill
1966 Corsa "Baby"
1966 Monza "Seth"

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