<VV> funny noise follow-up (b)
Lauren C Mizel
Sat, 24 Jul 2004 13:19:29 -0500
A few days ago I wrote asking about my "chirping" noise (that started
sounding like a hampster wheel that needed oil)...most of you suggested
looking at the U joints...some suggested wheel bearings...and one or two
said to look at brakes. I have a little further information now that I
finally got a chance to jack up the car and look around and would value
your thoughts before I take it all apart. The passenger rear wheel will
not roll forward freely. I can force it, but get a grinding noise. It
will roll backwards fairly easily, but makes the same noise (just not as
intense). The drivers' side rolls freely either way. When I spin the
drivers side back wheel either direction, the passenger side wheel spins
the opposite direction w/o noticable noise (but I am on the other side of
the car, so it may be making noise). It doesn't feel like brakes to me,
but I am admittedly a rookie! I am sorry if this post gives no further
useful information, but I like to get as much feedback as I can before I
start taking things apart (especially when it's all new to me!).
TIA for all the assistance
Steve Mizel
65 Corsa Vert 140/4 sp
THAT does not sound like U joints
If it was sudden, probably not wheel bearing - they normally give a
Could be something with the brakes.
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Later, JR
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