<VV> Too much vacuum at idle
Eric S. Eberhard
Fri, 23 Jul 2004 15:40:11 -0700
I'll run something by you to try as I had similar problems. I played with
timing. It stalled at idle if too low, knocked at high speed. Long and
short of the story
was that I had a vacuum leak and my idle setting was actually too high
(!?) for the PG at it was getting fuel from the mains ... it did not seem
intuitive to turn the idle down if it was stalling at idle.
You might first check for other things that affect vacuum such as idle
mixture and even more likely a vacuum leak (bad gasket or hose). Also, the
spraying starting fluid "trick" did not work at ALL for on my small vacuum
leak). I found mine by trial and error checking each possible place. Once
I identified a potential leak if I spray a LOT directly at the right spot
it would slightly alter the idle speed ... but spraying the general area to
find a leak was futile.
After fixing every vacuum leak it still idled terribly in gear (stalled)
and the idle out of gear was racing! By then I was in "start over" mode so
I turned the idle setting all the way down and then back a few turns ...
and lo! It idled perfectly.
In gear or out of gear. In addition, the timing goofiness went away (I am
assuming the mains being open along with a leak messed up the vacuum). I
set mine right at 14 ... and it does go up some with the lines plugged in
(say17-18) as it should. And runs well.
Good luck!
At 10:28 AM 7/23/2004, chris czepyha wrote:
>its a 63/pg/monza 900
>It is apparent I am getting way too much vacume at idle. Its at 14
>degrees, and steady with the va and carbhose plugged. As soon as I plug
>in the lines correctly it
>shoots up to way off the guage.
>The car idles ok, but does not like between 1-15. At 15 it takes off.
>Dwell is 32.
>If I have the timing advanced, say 17 plugged. It cruises at 15 with the
>feet off the gas. Bucks/knocks when warm at low speed accelleration.
>And does not like being restarted hot, unless I plug the VA line. Then
>it starts fine.
>I forgot my meter so I don't know the tach.
>Letting the car cool off to see how it restarts cool.
>Will re-check for vacume leakes. Hoses are new and clamped. I checked
>the float levels. New inline fuel filter and at the carbs. New fuel
>No paper gaskets on the carbs, but the new plastic ones. Did not have
>any paper ones in stock.
>I hear a funny sound on the generator side. Sounds like a leak, but
>spraying starting fluid around the lines and the carb and it doesn't
>change anything.
>Thanks to all.
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Eric S. Eberhard
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