<VV> re: Turbo fuel return line for Monza

corvair@corvairmotorsports.com corvair@corvairmotorsports.com
Fri, 23 Jul 2004 05:09:21 -0700

I must say, that I only did it once on a turbo engine with a Carter and
had no problems. Never had a problem just using a regulator with a

Corvair Motorsports 

Probably not. Here's why. The fuel return line is to avoid/prevent vapor
lock. This occurs within the fuel pump primarily. If you release the
vaporized gas (which occurs becaues of the vapor lock) into the fuel
return line, there is no back pressure that it has to overcome. So the
vapor can easily escape. But in releasing it into the main line, there
is all that gas there which does provide a back pressure obstructing the
vapor release.
Bob Helt