<VV> Was: 95 vs turbo heads-140hd with oil drain hole

Tony Underwood tonyu@roava.net
Thu, 22 Jul 2004 17:06:52 -0700

At 10:28 hours 07/22/2004 -0700, Mike Stillwell wrote:
>--- Sadek Charles H DLVA <SadekCH@NSWC.NAVY.MIL>
>> I came across a 140 hd with the cast-in boss for the
>> oil drain hole.  Is
>> this common or do I have the only remaining 140 head
>> that was destined to be
>> turbo-charged from the factory?  <VBG>
>> Chuck S
> I've got the other, let's sell 'em as a pair an
>retire early! From what I've been told (by Dempsey)
>they are early '65's and pretty rare, but I've seen a
>couple others around. 
> Mike
> YS-117          

They must not be all that rare.   I've seen several myself, think I might
have one downstairs somewhere.     

I also once had a '64 turbo engine with the correct crankcase number
stamping and a casting boss for an FC  or Lakewood oil filler spout.   
