<VV> Re: 4 Speed Lube

Tony Underwood tonyu@roava.net
Wed, 21 Jul 2004 23:56:42 -0700

At 09:06 hours 07/20/2004 -0400, Bill Hubbell wrote:
>Hey!  I am offended by the "S" word too!  How about 2 for me as well!!!
>Bill Hubbell
>----- Original Message ----- 
>From: <kaczmarek@charter.net>
>> You are hereby found guilty of uttering the "S" word in this forum.
>> You are now required to attend the NC Fall Affair in Raleigh and you owe
>the Vairologist and myself a minimum of two adult beverages, our choice.

Whose idea was this to make the "   " word utterance a liability for
supplying others' drinks?    

Hank!    You wanna chime in here and fix this?    

Damn.   What happens if I say "Porsche"...?    

tony..            almost broke as it is