<VV> Re:pictures are worth a 1000 words
Louis C. Armer, Jr.
Tue, 20 Jul 2004 17:23:01 -0400
At 11:55 AM 7/20/04 -0700,"Eric S. Eberhard" <flash@vicspdi.com> you wrote:
>Mine is really ugly --> I bought it for 300 bucks. It was one owner with
>33,000 miles. Unfortunately when he died the relative let it sit in a
>vacant lot for six years. Hence the paint is shot and the driver's seat
>is cracking (looked good when I got it but it is brittle so as I drive it
>gets worse). I have done little to the car as the goal was a fun daily
>driver. I did shocks, tires, some bushings, gas tank, upgraded ignition,
>and the Judson. I also (for grins and giggles) put on a clear plastic
>engine cover from the 60's (it is really neat). It is 100% "period
>original" with the exception of the electronic ignition stuff (Pertronix
>and MSD and wires and coil). I don't want to do any cosmetics because if
>I do I won't want to drive it. I have a very nice Spyder I drive about
>once a week, but I always live in fear of dings and damage. With the
>sedan, I don't care, I don't even wash it :-)
Well when do we get the other pictures or are we just to believe you??? <GGG>
Corvair Atlanta, BOD
CORSA Tri-Membership Chairman