<VV> corsa for sale, help
Tue, 20 Jul 2004 12:54:42 -0400
In a message dated 7/20/2004 11:47:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time, "Brad K Alley" <bka@winterparklaw.net> writes:
>h. i just joined and cannot figure how to research library so am asking
>redundant question. a local charity auction of donated old cars will include a
>corsa or corsa wanta be. the auction procedures are funny you can visually
>inspect the exterior, then then run it thru a line . i snuck past a guard
>yesterday car apears to my novice eye to be a corsa with a single 4 barrel. i
>ase the conclusion on following, corsa side stickers, dash with tach,140 back
>marker . car looks pretty good except the drivers door frame between the
>hinges has a 3-4" dia rust hole. i assume where there some rust thee's more
>Hidden. Question is how hard to repair that area and given ya'lls best quess
>what to bid.
The "Archives" are located at http://www.vv.corvair.org/pipermail/virtualvairs/
and are accessible from the INFO page as well....
You cannot search the CURRENT month...draws a blank! So right now it's only July 2004 and older..
RUST in the door jamb?? BAD Car is complete and a good runner otherwise....for a charity auction?...$1000 tops...and you'll end up re- bodying it sooner or later...
Go for it! Until the body crumbles..you'll have fun!
Matt N.