<VV> Who is Selling the Higest Quality Fuel Pump?
Eric S. Eberhard
Mon, 19 Jul 2004 12:43:04 -0700
I got one from Napa and it is fine. One thing to keep in mind, there are
actually few manufacturers ... no matter the name on the box. I don't know
who made the Napa pump, all I know is that it works. My other car has a
Clark's and it works fine to.
At 02:40 PM 7/15/2004, Bill Elliott wrote:
>Hey Lon... if you HAD hit a deer while running those deer whistles,
>wouldn't you avoid that brand in
>the future... even if you didn't believe that deer whistles worked to
>start with? Or maybe quit using
>those mechanical deer whistles altogether and go to an electric version? (VBG)
>My "anecdotal" evidence on FLAPS pumps is that _every single one I've
>purchased_ has failed
>quickly. My anecdotal" evidence on Corvair vendor pumps is that they are
>much better...with a much
>lower failure rate.
>I would definitely argue that ANY Corvair owner buy a pump only from a
>Corvair vendor. So we are in
>complete agreement that "The fact is MOST Corvair parts from MOST Corvair
>vendors are perfectly
>And, as I've noted, among the Corvair vendors, I've made my personal
>choice on the mostly
>nonlogical nonmeaningful fact that I had experienced failures with all
>vendor's pumps _except_ The
>Source. And despite logic or statistics, I'll bet that's the way a lot of
>people choose their vendors...
>especially since we have nothing more quantitative to go on.
>Bill Elliott
>On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 13:36:29 -0700, corvairs wrote:
> >You'll also hear that you have to buy your fuel pumps from only one
> >select vendor - again total rubbish. The fact that an individual has
> >used pumps from source "X" (That includes us) and never had any
> >problems, so that MUST mean buy ONLY from source "X" - is total rubbish.
> >The fact is MOST Corvair parts from MOST Corvair vendors are perfectly
> >fine. I run deer whistlers on my van and have never hit a deer - that
> >means they work - doesn't it? In fact you should only buy the brand of
> >deer whistlers I use becasue I've never hit a deer - Who can argue with
> >that? A lot of us, I hope.
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Eric S. Eberhard
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