<VV> Repair/rebuild 110 - What would you do?
Mon, 19 Jul 2004 14:49:03 EDT
OK, most of you are familiar with the problems I had with my 49,000 69 Monza
Convertible 110hp, 4-speed in the move from Minnesota to Texas. Briefly, on
the way down the car started missing lightly. A teardown revealed 2 broken
piston rings in the #4 cylinder. I replaced these and for good measure, put
in a new rod bearing on #4. I drove the car three times, for about 60 miles,
and noticed a hammering. Teardown revealed #4 rod bearing trashed, and now
damage to a once standard relatively low mileage crank.
I am in the process of building a new house with an 1100 sq. ft. garage (for
room to work on Corvairs) but that garage won't be done until December. The
house I am living in was sold, so I am in the process of moving to another
location. I am going to haul the '69 over to that garage and put it up on
jackstands and remove the engine. The engine is the original numbers matching
engine for the car, looked really clean inside with very little wear, all
things standard, so no work has been done to my knowledge in the first 49,000
miles. I definitely want to keep this engine for the car.
So, this brings me to the question. What would you do? For a little
Corvair related posting, I figured I would take responses kind of as a survey and
post the results. Would you pull the engine, check everything, correct the
crank, put in new bearings and gaskets and put it back together, or rebuild.
If rebuild, how far would you go (keeping in mind that I plan on keeping this
car, but money is not unlimited) what would you replace and what other things
beside parts would you do? I think I know the answer, but I thought it
might be fun to hear from the learned masses before I tear into it.
Todd Miller