<VV> EM hopefully departng Group Red ?????
Robert Hawley
Mon, 19 Jul 2004 01:54:05 -0400
Howdy all,
My mechanically oriented brother and I are in the throes of getting my
1963 Spyder off of it's jack stands for the first time in 3 yearts and have
run acroass question on two items:
1) Rear wheel bearings - after finally geting them apart to regrease,
I noted that one had four shims (?) (a very thin metal almost like heavy
duty alyuminum foil?) and the other had only one shim(?) under the "C"
clips. In attempting to get the "C" clips out to expose the bearing race
the shims were somewhat mangled as well as my hand. Can the "shims" be
reused? How critical is it that they be replaced? Is it OK just to
reflatten them prior to reinstalling the "C" clips? Also it was noted that
one of the bearings after cleaning with carb cleaner (Gumout) seems stiff
(when dry) It was on the left side and was found to be missing it's dust
shield fro an unknowne amoutn of tiem. Is this a problem? There wer no
unusual beaint sounds sounded quiet with no lube - just stiffer than the
othe bearin in the car. I have not relubed the rear bearings yet. Any
thoughtsa on this as my brother is only around for one more day.
2) Is it advisable to prefill the YH carb with gas sionce the car hsas
not been started in three years (carb just rebuilt by Grant Y) and if so
where do you put the gas in? The car has the original mechanical fuel
pump - is there any way of priming the system? Please don't bring up the
electric pump debacle - lol. Thanks for your help, Bob