<VV> Speedo problems
Paula Tilsley
Sat, 17 Jul 2004 06:58:49 -0400
Greetings all,
While I was installing new bearings and races on the front of my LM, I
decided to fix the speedo that stopped working a few months ago. The
plastic cable receiver had sheared away from the dust cap at the
retainer clip. I checked the speedo head to assure it turned freely,
then replaced the old cable and dust cap. It worked fine, initially,
but then developed a "clicking" at the head (still working). Yesterday
I went for a 100 mile run and the speedo quit on the highway. I figured
the head froze up or the new cable somehow got bound up. Then on the
drive back the speedo starts working again. I used a liquid graphite on
the cable before installing. I'm assuming the problem is in the head
unit. Is there anything I can check or should I be looking for a new
head unit? Can the head works be lubricated? Any thoughts would be
Mark Tilsley
65 corsa turbo vert