<VV> Solid Flywheel, good or bad
Fri, 16 Jul 2004 20:28:23 EDT
One other piece of anecdotal evidence:
EVERY Corvair engine bolted to a VW or Porsche tranny has a solid flyweel,
since the Corvair one simply won't work in any form even remotely resembling
stock. It seems these apps don't have any problems. Of course, these trannies
have MUCH stiffer bellhousings than the Corvair....
In a message dated 7/16/2004 10:59:12 AM Eastern Standard Time,
goofyroo@excite.com writes:
Just anecdotal: I have a '63 102 hp 4 spd. In trying to fix a mysterious
vibration around 2800 RPM I changed my flywheel to a solid one. It made no
difference -- the problem was the idler pulley bearing. (Talk about starting at
the wrong end!) I sense no unusual vibrations now, after at least 15,000 miles
on the solid wheel.
FYI I do have a near-new Vega-style clutch from Clarks for sale. It is
incompatible with the solid flywheel. I'll ship it for $40 plus shipping.
Michael Smith