<VV> Re:Engine Jack
Fri, 16 Jul 2004 16:36:22 -0400
I just thought I'd tell you what happened to the original. Had a
good friend needed to borrow it to get his van ready to move out of town.
After a couple-3 weeks I called to see how he was doing. Phone
disconnected. Drove over and talked to a neighbor who told me he had
been gone for a couple of weeks with both his Vairs, furniture and all.
I know he intended to drop by the house and unload the jack on his way
out of town and just forgot about it. He is probably waiting by his
phone every evening for me to call and let him know I'm coming to pick it
If you ever hear of a Paul Nett from Pennsylvania I'm sure he
would like to hear from me since he's a friend of mine.