<VV> brand "X"
Fri, 16 Jul 2004 11:49:43 -0700
My understanding is that the deers use the whistle when they see you
coming - then they stand out in the middle of the road (where the light
is) to make sure you see them. What happens up here in the great north
woods of Oregon (see you all next year) is that whenever a deer is hit,
the remaining deer go around the camp spots in the middle of the night
and stick these whistles on cars at random.
Exactly why they do this I haven't got a clue (deer don't talk you know
- other than the Coastal Blue Deer of course) Unca Lonald
Keith Hammett wrote:
>Lon sent me two brand "X" pumps last year and they haven't leaked yet!
>Course they haven't pumped fuel yet...GGG
>Where does one get Brand "X" deer whistles? And just how do you get the
>deers to use them? GGG
>Keith Hammett
>-----Original Message-----
>You hear that everybody? Lon says buy only Brand X fuel pumps!
>Lon, if you drive that van at night are you whistling in the dark?
>Norm Witte
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